Use less electricity

Use less electricity

Turning down the air conditioning and heating, switching to renewable energy sources or turning off lights, TVs and computers are great ways to use less electricity and fight climate change. Using programmable thermostats, proper insulation while also sealing leaks and drafts will improve the efficiency of your heating and cooling units. Changing regular (incandescent) light bulbs to compact fluorescent or LED lights will also help with energy savings.

By using less electricity, you also reduce your personal emissions and help fight global warming all at the same time.

Benefits of using motion-sensor light switches

When it comes to ways to reduce consumption and impact on the Earth, there are many changes that you can make to your own home that not only allow you to consume with more environmental consciousness, but have additional benefits for you. For example, finding ways to curb electricity use is not only good for the environment, but can actually save money and benefit you in other ways!

Read time: 7 mins


Energy, the invisible water guzzler

World Water Day is a global event hosted by the UN in order to spread awareness on water related issues. This year, the theme of World Water Day is “Water and Jobs”. Half of the world’s population works in a water-related industry, and most jobs depend on the accessibility to clean, safe water. The main message this year revolves around protecting Earth’s water resources and, in turn, protecting our own livelihoods.

Read time: 6 mins


Home is Where the Carbon Isn’t

Since Al Gores’ An Inconvenient Truth made its debut in 2006, the move towards a sustainable way of living has become a widespread phenomenon, penetrating the ethos of individuals and communities. Even before the turn of the twenty-first century, many non-for-profit organizations, environmental coalitions and the like, have been spreading the word about climate change and the associated effects humans are causing to planet earth, especially as it relates to carbon remittance.

Read time: 6 mins


Green your workplace – sustainable business starts with you!

Recognizing the many benefits of sustainable business practices (e.g. financial savings, enhanced brand, increased employee morale), organizations are increasingly adopting environmental measures ranging from greening office habits, to overhauling their workplaces into state-of-the-art “ecotastic offices.”

Read time: 4 mins


Save your favorite sweater and the environment - Hang dry your laundry

Don’t dry your laundry in the machine; hang-dry on a rack at home! This method not only helps to use less electricity, but will also preserve the quality of your clothes. The machine wears out and destroys the fabric, while hanging on a rack in a room temperature keeps them soft and natural. If you hang on a rack on your balcony or your backyard, they will smell fresh too. Try hanging your clothes outside during winter. You will love the effect. Your clothes will smell the freshness of snow, and believe me it feels nice wearing something like that.

Read time: 4 mins


Cities around the world aiming to go 100% renewable – let’s support the transition!

A number of environmental milestones including the Paris 2015 climate deal have officially placed climate action on the global agenda. In addition to the green initiatives governments worldwide are implementing, we’re seeing a new trend in progressive urban planning. Municipalities across the globe are reconfiguring their transportation and energy sectors, committing to 100% renewable energy targets in an effort to secure a more sustainable future.

Read time: 4 mins



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