Buy smart

Buy smart

If you stop buying products that contain powerful greenhouse gases (high GWP gases), you can reduce your impact and you'll be doing something smart for the environment. You can do this by simply not using or using less air conditioning (in the car, at home or work), refrigerators (if you have more than one), foam products (styrofoam cups/containers, foam packaging, foam based home insulation, etc.) and aerosols (hairspray, shaving cream, etc.)

Buying smart also means buying used! Used items not only do you not add any new emissions caused by transporting manufactured goods from the point of production, you also stop the emissions that would have been caused by the manufacturing and packaging of this newly made item.

Buying Chocolate for V-Day? Buy Eco-friendly Organic Chocolate

It is almost Valentine’s day !!! What are you planning on getting your Valentine ??? Chocolate? Of course you have to get them chocolate because when you think Valentine’s Day you think chocolate and ALOT of it. However have you ever thought about what you are supporting when you buy chocolate; such as, child slavery in the chocolate industry or unsustainable farming methods?? In this article I will be talking about child labor and unsustainable farming methods in the chocolate industry.

Read time: 6 mins


Impact Investing and Saving: Planting Your Dollar

Let’s start this article off with an overview of a trend that has recently been on my mind: impact investing.

First, what is it?

The traditional role of investment hasn’t changed here. Investments are intended to preserve and grow capital. However, other goals are introduced when investing in companies with environmentally and socially progressive policies and products. Investors shift their assessments from only monetary performance to a broader perspective termed the Triple Bottom Line,.

Read time: 5 mins


A double whammy, updating your health and minimizing your environmental impact via your fridge

When it comes to assessing (and reducing!) your impact, we encourage each environmentalist to look at all aspects of their life. Most of what we do consumes energy, and thus nearly everything we do can be put under the WYI microscope and this certainly includes eating. In fact, agriculture is a much more significant contributor to global emissions than you might think, and coupled with forestry it is a close second only to electricity and heat generation.1

Read time: 5 mins


Organic Makeup: Should You Make The Switch?

Have you ever thought about making the switch to organic makeup? Well you should seriously consider making the switch because our skin absorbs the makeup we use and if you use makeup, which has alot of irritants you can suffer from the side effects. According to the article,” Why Switch to All Natural Cosmetics?” by Lori Stryker, it states, skin has the remarkable ability to absorb applied products, partially or completely, into the bloodstream. Up to 60% of the products we use on our skin are absorbed and deposited into the circulatory system. Cosmetics penetrate the skin to some degree.

Read time: 6 mins


A menstrual cup? Is that what is sounds like? Gross.

This is a fairly typical response when first introduced to the idea of a menstrual cup. I’ll admit, it isn’t pretty. No one likes to imagine a reusable vaginal insert that collects the menstrual fluid. But let’s be real – vaginal bleeding isn’t (and never will be) pretty – so let’s start by dropping the shame around menstruation. And once we’ve gotten over that, we can address something that’s a lot less pretty: the amount of waste that half the population is producing in relation to their monthly cycle.

Read time: 6 mins



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